Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can you Hear the Magnetic Sky?

It has been a long time in posting, but real life calls out more then a blog. Between school, preparing to move, and other such turmoil, this blog has quite faded into a dark background, but now the dust is blown away and life is recovered. 

This is to be a brief thought, for I have more school to do, but I honestly want to hear peoples opinions of this. 

What do you think of metal music? 
There always seems to be a lot of controversy orbiting this topic and I want to know what the people out there think of it. Do you approve, disprove, or are you apathetic? Have you ever listened to any or looked up lyrics? Is it the most horrible thing in the world and should never be considered music?  

So please, flood with comments and start debates. There is nothing wrong with having arguments for discussion builds the mind and helps to solidify opinions and quench harsh judgement. 


  1. I think music, all music, should be judged on an individual basis. I seriously doubt that every metal band, or every band of any genre, is "bad."

    However, there is some metal that I would question the quality of. If you really listen to it, the harmonies and rhythms, you can tell that some metal is just plain uncreative. I don't want to listen to a song which has the same overall format as a ton of other songs, a rhythm that's near-indistinguishable from 3 of the 5 songs I listened to previously, and extremely repetitive harmony. It's not as "bad" as it is just musically boring and forgettable. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort to notice these things because they are usually in the background.

    Other metal bands have implicit non-Christian messages. I'd rather skip out on that for obvious reasons.

    Having seen multiple examples that fit the above description(s), I don't have the time or energy to find metal that is "good." Perhaps others do, or think they do, but I do not.

    P. S. Yes, I have looked up lyrics. I do so for every song I listen to. But since this is music, I don't focus on them as much as most people do. I prefer to focus on the music as a whole.

  2. Hi, IMP. I just recently started following your blog. :) I don't generally comment on blogs, but I have a definite opinion on this topic, so...

    Personally, I do not listen to metal. The music is overwhelming, busy, and often unimaginative. No matter how creative the lyrics are, the music all sounds the same. (But this is coming from a girl who can't play a single instrument, so you don't have to take my opinion if you don't want to. :P)

    ~Charli Rae
