Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Now Hear a Toast Friends:

Greetings to you there,
Yesterday honored Haiku's
Observe one below
                                                   Weather was lovely
Cold breathe of air on my skin
enjoy; twirl and dance

That Haiku was lame,
Because it was just made up
Here, try another:
Invisible man
He appears unexpected,
                                                  heart suddenly jumps

                          One more you may read
                       About why I must leave you
                          Parting words, enjoy

A report is due
 tomorrow, the night runs short
 Finish this then work

So now I must leave,
to write pages on a book
I'd rather not do

Much better to stay
to write thoughts of mine on this
listening to songs

Alas I must go
the school work draws me away
so farewell my friends