Monday, June 13, 2011

Board This Summer?

Quick post here. If any of you are board this summer and looking for something to do then check out This is a new blog written by myself and a few of my friends. Check it out and please follow. :D

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can you Hear the Magnetic Sky?

It has been a long time in posting, but real life calls out more then a blog. Between school, preparing to move, and other such turmoil, this blog has quite faded into a dark background, but now the dust is blown away and life is recovered. 

This is to be a brief thought, for I have more school to do, but I honestly want to hear peoples opinions of this. 

What do you think of metal music? 
There always seems to be a lot of controversy orbiting this topic and I want to know what the people out there think of it. Do you approve, disprove, or are you apathetic? Have you ever listened to any or looked up lyrics? Is it the most horrible thing in the world and should never be considered music?  

So please, flood with comments and start debates. There is nothing wrong with having arguments for discussion builds the mind and helps to solidify opinions and quench harsh judgement.