Thursday, October 21, 2010

And now for an update on the progress of the band, songs, recording, and other things

I am glad to report that we might be able to start recording soon!!!
Beth's uncle is going to be helping us out by letting us use some of his equipment and editing program. We are planning to do a bit of recording next weekend, the last in October. Be on the look out for a first official song!!

On another note, we have some new equipment, Bethlehem's  new amp! It is very exciting, because before we were borrowing an amp..... It has several hookups so we should be able to plug in the microphone, piano, electric guitar, and maybe the violin! Gail has a cord that she uses to tune her dulcimer; the cord clips onto her dulcimer and senses the vibrations of the strings. Because it senses the vibration, it can be clipped onto the bridge of the violin, instantly making an electric violin!!

No new songs have been written, but several drafts are almost done!

Also, what do you think of a short Christmas Album of about 5-7 songs? What songs would you like to see us do for a Christmas album?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

So the World Now Knows

*drum roll*

Here is the first ever revealing of song lyrics written by Lorna to the world!

This is just a random lyric:
                 Less of me more of you,
                 Cut me deep effuse you through
                 I'm lost and all alone
                 Lord come and guide me home

This next one is a personal favorite:

               I saw a glimmer, hope restored
               Then I remember, hope should have never left
               I am so frail, I need your glory
               Love that washes over me

That is just the first part of that song; the rest will be told once we record it, which hopefully will be soon. Maybe we can get a rough copy out sometime.

Hope everyone enjoyed and I made you think. More lyrics to come soon, this is only the beginning!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Now Hear a Toast Friends:

Greetings to you there,
Yesterday honored Haiku's
Observe one below
                                                   Weather was lovely
Cold breathe of air on my skin
enjoy; twirl and dance

That Haiku was lame,
Because it was just made up
Here, try another:
Invisible man
He appears unexpected,
                                                  heart suddenly jumps

                          One more you may read
                       About why I must leave you
                          Parting words, enjoy

A report is due
 tomorrow, the night runs short
 Finish this then work

So now I must leave,
to write pages on a book
I'd rather not do

Much better to stay
to write thoughts of mine on this
listening to songs

Alas I must go
the school work draws me away
so farewell my friends